Study Background

Every five years, the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) produces a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The purpose of this plan is to encourage and promote a safe and efficient transportation system to serve future transportation demands. Results of the MTP process are intended to serve the overall mobility needs of the area, while also being cost-effective and consistent with state and local goals and objectives.

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The MPO manages the transportation network and mobility needs for the defined MPO area and recognizes the inter-connectivity between network accessibility and land use development patterns. Prior decision making has focused on producing a multi-modal transportation network consisting of roads, transit service, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, freight, and a regional airport. These modes of transportation provide a foundation for handling the flow of goods and services to and from the area, as well as establish a system for area residents to access jobs, shopping, and recreational facilities.

The Rapid City MPO Planning Area is designated by the governor and the MPO Executive Policy Committee and encompasses the 20-year urbanized growth area, as defined in 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 450. As such, the transportation planning process is mandated to meet the requirements of MPO transportation plans as set forth in the CFR.

Study Process

Develop and validate new 2022 base year travel demand model.

Complete year 2050 traffic forecasts for the Rapid City Planning Area to identify future transportation needs by developing and validating the travel demand forecast model.

Develop goals and strategies, as well as address performance measures and planning emphasis areas for the year 2050. This is done to identify needs and prioritize elements within the MTP that fiscally constrain future needs with separate rankings for highway, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian improvements.

Create consistency with federal and state guidelines with significant attention to public participation.

Study Area Map

The Rapid City Area MPO is located in western South Dakota and the area of study includes the city of Rapid City, the city of Summerset, the city of Box Elder, the city of Piedmont, unincorporated areas of Black Hawk and Rapid Valley, and the developing portions of Pennington and Meade Counties.

study area map
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Timeline & Schedule

The proposed schedule shown is designed to meet the requested schedule in the RFP. Throughout the process, emphasis will be given to engaging the public to collect meaningful feedback, obtain and analyze the data necessary to develop alternatives, and work closely with the MPO and key stakeholders. These initiatives aim to build upon existing plans to create an updated MTP that meets local needs and is federally-compliant.

The chart shows the 2024-2025 project schedule timeline for the Rapid City Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). Under Project Coordination, a kick-off meeting will take place in August 2024. Study Advisory Team (SAT) calls will take place in July 2024, October 2024, and August 2025. SAT meetings will take place in December 2024 and June 2025. Public meetings will take place in July 2024, January 2025, and June 2025. Data collection will occur from April-July 2024. Under Model Development, the study process will develop, calibrate, and validate the new 2022 base year travel demand model from May-September 2024. The 2050 forecast model will be developed and validated from August-November 2024. Under Metropolitan Transportation Plan, 2050 transportation needs will be developed from November 2024-January 2025. The Transportation Performance Measurement and Planning Emphasis Area (PEA) Review will be conducted from December 2024-February 2025. The 2050 Fiscally Constrained Plan will be written from January-March 2025. The draft of the MTP will be submitted between June-July 2025 and the final report will be submitted between August-September 2025. The Rapid City Council and MPO Committee presentations will take place in June 2025.
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rapid city landscape